Account does not exist

Zmodyfikowano dnia śr, 13 mar, 2024 o 11:12 RANO

When attempting to log in, the message 'Account does not exist' appears. Possible reasons:

1. Incorrect email address
2. The account was set up with a different address
3. The user previously requested a change of login address
4. The user requested deletion of personal data
5. The registration was made by another user
6. The account has not been activated
7. Another reason

How to solve the problem:

1. Incorrect email address:

Make sure that the correct email address has been entered without any typos.

2. Account created with a different address:

Verify that you are using the correct email account. Mistakes are common when:

3. User previously requested a login address change:
Verify that the address hasn't been changed or reassigned to someone else in the company. If so, try using the new address.

4. User requested deletion of personal data:
Ensure that the user hasn't requested the deletion of their personal data. In such a case, the email address would no longer appear in the database and wouldn't be associated with any account. Create a new account

5. Application was made by another user: Verify if you have the rights to the account. Only team registrants can log in. They register runners using their account. Individual runners do not have separate accounts and cannot log in.

6. Account not activated: Click the link to confirm account creation received in the email after registration. If you don't have the activation email, send a message through the contact form with the email address associated with the account.

7.Other reasons: If the above tips do not resolve the issue, please request verification through the contact form, providing as much information as possible needed to identify the account: 

  • first and last name
  • email address
  • company name
  • whether any teams were registered from the given account (if so, in which edition)?

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