Relay Baton

Zmodyfikowano dnia śr, 13 mar, 2024 o 9:58 RANO

Are you participating in a stationary race? Your starter pack includes a relay baton (one baton for one team).

The baton has an electronic chip, used for accurate time measurement, and a sticker with the team's race number.

Relay batons are returnable. The last runner from the team returns the baton after finishing the race to a container set up beyond the finish line.

There are no relay batons in the starter packs for the virtual race.

Return of Relay Batons

Relay batons, which contain a chip for time measurement, must be returned. The runner from the 5th relay will be asked to return the baton to the prepared containers located near the finish line.

In case the relay baton is not returned on the day of the race, it should be delivered to the office of the Poland Business Run Foundation at Siemiradzkiego 17/2, 31-137 Kraków.

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